What does the term yoga mean? 瑜伽的意思是什么?


Yoga refers to an ancient practice of physical and mental training that originated in India.

Yoga refers to an ancient practice of physical and mental discipline originating from India. It includes postures asanas breathing exercises pranayamas and meditation dhyana.

Yoga refers to an ancient practice of physical and mental discipline that originated in India. It involves various postures or asanas breathing techniques called pranayamas and meditation.

Yoga refers to an ancient practice of physical and mental discipline that originated in India. It includes postures asanas breathing exercises pranayamas and meditation.
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Yoga means to unite or bring together different parts of yourself. Its about bringing balance harmony and connection within your body mind and spirit.

Yoga refers to an ancient practice of physical and mental discipline that originated in India. It involves various postures or asanas breathing techniques called pranayamas and meditation.

Yoga refers to a practice of physical and mental self-improvement through postures asanas and breathing exercises pranayam.

Yoga refers to a practice of physical postures asanas and breathing exercises pranayamas. It also includes meditation and other activities that help bring about physical mental and spiritual well-being.

Yoga refers to an ancient practice of physical and mental training originating from India. > 瑜伽是印度古代的一种身体和精神训练方法。
