


1. Warm-up properly. Before each session, perform dynamic stretches and light cardio to prepare your body for exercise.

2. Listen to your body. Pay attention to any pain or discomfort and stop the exercise if necessary.

3. Use proper form. Follow the instructions of the instructor and use the correct body position to avoid injuries.

4. Start slowly and gradually increase intensity and duration. Ease into the workout and gradually increase the time and intensity of each session.

5. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your practice to stay hydrated and prevent dehydration.

6. Warm down properly. After your workout, cool down with static stretches and light cardio to help your body return to its resting state.

7. Cool down before stretching. Avoid stretching immediately after your workout to prevent muscle soreness and stiffness.

8. Avoid high-impact exercises. High-impact activities like jumping and running can increase the risk of injury.

9. Warm up before yoga. Yoga poses require specific postures and movements that can be challenging for beginners. Warm up with gentle stretches and poses before attempting more advanced postures.

10. Use proper equipment. When using props like blocks or straps, use them correctly and within their recommended weight limits.

11. Avoid overtraining. Overtraining can lead to muscle fatigue and increased risk of injury.

12. Get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for recovery and muscle repair.

13. Eat a healthy diet. A balanced diet provides the body with the nutrients it needs for optimal performance and recovery.

14. Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate you and impair your performance and recovery.
