How do I pronounce yoga in English when teaching it?


瑜伽的发音是YO-guh。拉长前两个字母,发长音。比如说,You gotta go to the gym tonight.中,gymnastics应该被读作GUH-muh-nastiks。所以在教授瑜伽时,可以这样解释: YOGA is pronounced YO-guh. Just say it out loud with a long vowel sound like you would for the word GUH-nuhs. 这个发音方法对于中国学生和外国人来说都很简单易懂。


Yoga is usually pronounced “yo-guh” when teaching it in English.不仅如此,瑜伽在英语中的发音还经常以“yoh-jah”或“you-jay”的形式出现。

在英文教学时,应该按照YOG-AH的发音来念。正是这个音素,构成了瑜伽的基础拼写形式。 对于那些不熟悉这种拼写的人来说,最好记住这个词是yogurt(酸奶)的同源词!

You can say yoh-guh or yoeg-uh. Its also pronounced as yo-ga in many English-speaking countries.一门课程的设置和教学内容应该根据学习者的水平进行调整,以便帮助他们更有效地掌握这些技能。

您可以通过发音的音标来教学习,以下是几种可能的发音方式: 洋魔女2瑜伽3瑜珈4耀加


You dont.верет 2 years ago by yogamaster You can say yoh-guh or yo-gah. Many people dont know how to pronounce the word correctly so feel free to pronounce it however you want And remember that yoga is an umbrella term for a variety of different practices and philosophies.
