Is there an alternative spelling for yogurt? 是酸奶有其他拼写吗?


Yeah There are many other words that can be used to refer to this food such as yoghurt doubi or doi-di.

Yes There are many different spellings of the word yogurt - from yo-get-r to you-gert to jigger.

Yes There are many different spellings of this word including yoghurt yogourt or simply yogurt.

Yes There are many different spellings of the word yogurt such as yo-get-er joo-gurt or simply yug.

Yes Its called yahourt or yo-getta. Yes There are many different spellings of the word.

Yeah Its called yoghurt or yo-getta. 嗯,它是叫做“你果”或“耶奥葛塔”。

Yes There are many other spellings of this word such as yoghourt yogetta or even just yao-gou.

Yeah you can spell it as yoghurt or yogourt.

Yes it can be written as yah-oh-urts or yo-gurt. 当然,它可以写作为“ya-hoots”或 “you-goort”。
